About Myself

Hello! My name is Gavin Wong, and I'm a student software engineer and entrepreneur. I am curious learner, and I always strive to meet new people and expand my knowledge and understanding in computer science and business. I enjoy using my skills in software development to work on different projects, and through my passion and my entrepreneurial, I hope to expand upon these ideas to help people around the world.







Python 90%

Java 90%

Swift 80%


SQL 70%

Javascript 60%


Here are the hackathons I have attended as participants and organizer

April 2020


2nd Place Hack, Best Covid-19 Hack

Created Autodrone Delivery. Applauded for complexity of the project and being able to address and solve a major issue during the pandemic

February 2020

Hack the Helyx

1st Place Hack, Best Social Hack

Created Classroom Connection and judged by professional scientists and engineers. Commended for unique idea of anonymous chatroom allowing students to ask questions without fear

January 2020


1st Place Hack

Built a health app (Heart Help) that could help detect heart disease. Praised for the functionality and usability of the app among all people

November 2019


Top 5

Created Race Global and presented to judges who were faculty members from MakeSchool. Praised for overall design and unique concept of the project

September 2019



Built a really small game project. Had first opportunity to attend workshops, such as how to get internships and basic web design, and guest speakers events.

May 2019



First Ever Hackathon. Didn't really build anything, but had the opportunity to experiece hackathon for once.

June 2020 GeomHacks Founder

I managed and led the Logistics, Tech, Outreach, and Sponsor team. I guided the sponsor team in sending out consistent emails and responding to sponsor request, the outreach team in updating all social media platform, the logistic team with handling participant concerns/questions, the tech team with free workshops and hosting sponsored workshops for participants. Read Project Section (above) for more info

June 2020 CuperHacks Lead Director of Sponsorship

Lead the Sponsorship team in acquiring over 10 different sponsors, such as Bugsee, Sashido, Art of Problem Solving, for an online hackathon with free workshops open to all students world-wide

May 2020 HarmonyHacks Lead Director of Sponsorship

Lead the Sponsorship Team in gathering $50,000 worth of sponsorships, from companies such as Shawee, Balsamiq, Desmos, for online hackathon advertised to students world-wide.

February 2020 A-Z Hacks Event Officers

Worked on marketing/advertising hackathon to students around the Bay Area. Helped gather over 100 participants in attendance. Contributed to set-up, monitoring, and guiding participants during actual hackathon

February 2020 DubHacks Campus Ambassador

Helped promote and advertise the hackathon at my school through outreach to all of my school's computer science clubs

Work Experience

Over the past year, I had amazing opportunities to work with professional businesses/organizations

San Jose State University

Research Intern

I assisted Prof. Mark Stamp research regarding applying ensemble methods to modernize machine learning tools for malware classification, and I accomplished over 15 different experiments and reported metric results. Our research published within a machine learning book:

Malware Analysis Using Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning

SiliconData Security Inc.

Software Engineer Intern

I applied Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) for network intrusion detection by utilizing Zeek to convert PCAP files into Zeek logs for the dataset. I integrated a Linux/Ubuntu virtual machine as well for the dataset extraction, trained the GAN and finally, published a white paper describing the results/metrics on company website

SMount Health Tech Image

SMount Health Tech

Mobile Development Intern

I helped develop a mobile health app for recording medical information and monitoring health conditions of seniors to help families. The app was designed for easy-use and easy-access for general public and for as many families as possible.


Here are some stuff I like to do for fun outside of programming or innovating new projects.


I've been playing tennis ever since I was in 3rd grade. I played in tournaments since 6th grade, and I have been on my school's varsity tennis team ever since 6th grade as well. In my most recent year, I was able to represent my school at our league (SCVAL) double's finals. Every now and then, I like to invite my friends to play tennis at our nearby courts.


I have been in Boyscouts ever since I was in 5th grade. I enjoy going to different outings events and learn important scout skills. I held numerous leadership positions in my troop such as Senior Patrol Leader within the past few years. I also had the opportunity to attend World Scout Jamboree 2019 in West Virginia where I had the opportunity to meet over 40,000 scouts from 152 different nations. This past summer, I was finally able to rank up to Eagle Scout, which is the highest Boyscout Rank